At just 23, he had had more body counts than he could remember yet never involved in any scandal with all the ladies he had slept with despite living with his highly religious mom in a home where strict Christian values were taught, enforced and practiced - he was that good! His friends called him MOWA, an acronym for Minister Of Women Affairs, due to how good he was at handling women affairs. His friends never cease to wonder how he knew so much about women. In amazement they've often asked; "Guy, where do you learn all these skills you adopt in wooing ladies? What books do you read? How come you know so much about this complicated, hard-to-understand set of annoying specie? {They tagged them "annoying" due to the countless setbacks they've encountered in relating with women, but to Jason, they are the sweetest, most loving set of creatures to ever grace the surface of the Earth}. Jason would often reply with a dazzling smile, "It's a gift brother. What Jason wants, Jason gets!"
It was a beautiful day to embark on a long road trip. The weather was humid, such as an average African loves. It was a Sunday and the road was sure gonna be free of traffic congestion. Jason has never been more excited about a journey all his life. "So I'm finally leaving this town where nothing happens. I'm finally going to college!" he thought delightfully as smiles beamed his face.
He quickly jerked outta bed, had a shower and in no time was ready to hit the road. "You're not even gonna have breakfast?" his mother asked, "the journey ahead of you is such a long one, hope you haven't forgotten in a hurry?" continued his mom. It sure wasn't his first time traveling down south.
He'd been there some years back when he first applied to study at the University but failed the online screening and he'd been there a couple of months ago also for the aptitude test, so he knew full well the scope of the journey. "But mom, you know I'm scheduled to leave by six, it's already past 5 am" retorted, Jason. "You always have a way of turning things to your favor," replied his mother, "and that's the more reason you're gonna miss me much" Jason responded.
As much as she hates to admit it, she knows she's gonna miss her son. Jason comes alive. It's never a dull moment when he's around. Of her six children, Jason seems to get her most. They were so fond of each other she just couldn't wrap her mind off the fact he was gonna be separated from her. She sighed heavily and went to pack his breakfast.
"Are you sure you're not leaving anything behind? Check carefully please" pleaded his mom. "Mom!!!" If you keep engaging me in conversations like this I'd miss my bus.. gosh!" He couldn't hide his frustration. He had spent two days getting his stuff together just to make sure he doesn't leave anything behind.
Whilst his mom packed breakfast, Jason quickly ordered an Uber to get to the park. Exactly 10mins later a honk was heard outside. "Oops! must be my Uber ride" exclaimed Jason. He quickly snatched the food from his mom, planted a kiss on her cheek, and headed for the door. "Not so fast young man. Get over here!" demanded his mom, as she squeezed him into a warm embrace. He grabbed his luggage, bade his siblings goodbye, and walked out the door.
He recalled the farewell party his friends had organized for him the previous day while on his way to the park. He had told a few he had gained admission into college and would be traveling very soon. He couldn't have imagined his friends could come up with something like that in his wildest imagination. They had his living room decorated, invited a few more friends and neighbors, set up the stereo, and had music playing...
Eric, Philip, and Tony were his closest friends in his circle of friends. They had come to with the whole party concept and gone the distance to make it memorable. Eric stood up to make a toast. Hitting a cup of glass he beckoned to everyone; "May I have your attention please?" He began. "Jason and I have been close friends, more like brothers now, since kindergarten. He can be so full of shit but then, very sweet at the same time. I recall an event that happened on the pitch on a certain day. I was lying on the floor injured beckoning to the referee, but for reasons best known to him, he wouldn't give me any attention. This fine, gentleman here
pointing at Jason
came as a 'knight in shiny armor' to my rescue. He put the ball outta play, drew the referee's attention to the situation, assisted the medics in taking me off the pitch, and stood with me till I got treated and was fit to return to the field of play. Now that's sportsmanship! That's the Jason we've come to celebrate today! A man with a heart that's made of our gold. "Cheers to greatness!!" He said raising his glass. "CHEERS!!!" The lively throng chorused in ecstasy and the music played on...
Jason flushed and blushed. He least expected this from his friends. "What a sweet way to part from loved ones; I even got some parting gifts too!" He thought and quickly made a comparison with his encounter with Sharon his girlfriend.
They had both met accidentally at the mall a couple of days ago. Sharon and her friends had gone shopping for the weekend while Jason went to pick up some items he'll be needing for his travels.
"When we're gon' tell me you were traveling?" Did you ever plan to tell me you were leaving for school?" Sharon probed. They had been dating for close to a year now and have greatly enjoyed some 'wild' intimacy. "Well, you started giving me attitudes, so I felt you needed your space and..." He said shrugging his shoulders in defiance.
"I wouldn't want us to part ways like this," she said trying to hide her tears. "I wouldn't want to leave a negative impression of me as you leave." Sharon had been madly in love with Jason during this period of their relationship even if she knew he didn't love her as much, she was very satisfied just to be called his girlfriend. She wasn't gonna let him go just like that, she was gonna have a taste of him one last time, she just has to. She extended an invitation to him...
"There's something I'd like you to have; don't know if you could come home this weekend"
Jason could see how much she misses him and wants him back, he could tell from the look on her face. "Hmm...let's see, let's see... Uhm, I already have this weekend planned out. How about Sunday?"
"Sunday's great!" She replied. "Then Sunday it is. See you then." He said as he walked out of her company.
All-day he kept thinking of the invitation. It's not like it's the first time he's been to her house, he's visited a couple of times and he's well-known for her family. He recalled vividly the last time he was there and what transpired between them. They had made out crazily and wild. He sure wasn't expecting anything less this time around however, he kept his fingers crossed waiting for whatever surprises may come his way.
Sunday evening and Jason was at the house of the Johnsons. He was casually dressed wearing a striped shirt and a pair of blue jeans trousers, an old leather watch, and a pair of mocassins.
"Ding dong!" went the sound of the doorbell.
"I'll get it." Mrs. Johnson announced.
"Who do we have here? Our very own Jason, son of the wise Freeman. You're welcome son," she said pulling him into a hug.
"Thank you very much ma'am. How delighted am I to see you. Hope you're well ma'am.
"Oh, I very much am young man. Come on in. You're just in time for dinner.
"Ooh... I love the sound of that. I'm starving!" He said playfully. They both laughed and walked to the dining room.
On the dining, Mr Johnson and Sharon were already seated
"Good day Mr Johnson." Jason greeted
"Oh, good day son. You're welcome." Responded Mr Johnson. "Please have a seat," he said, pointing to a seat right next to Sharon's.
"How pleasant of you sir," he said as he took his seat. Turning to Sharon he greeted; "hey babes," and planted a kiss on her cheek. She didn't much as responded but from her body language, Jason could tell she wasn't feeling so happy. He'll get to find out why soon enough.
Before Jason were plates of hot, spicy stew and bowls of rice with chicken and veggies, a pack of fruit juice was close by and a jug of water. He carefully scooped as much as he desired into a plate and delved into eating.
Scarcely had he gone far eating when Mrs Johnson began a conversation...
"So, I heard you got admitted into the University." She began.
"You heard correctly ma'am." Replied Jason
"Oh, wow, how pleasant!" She continued. "What course did you apply to study?"
"Uhm... Mass Communication ma'am. I've always had this flair for getting informations; I love to be where the news is which is why I was one of the writers in my school's news magazine though actively involved in the school's soccer team as well. Inasmuchas as love football, journalism had always been my first love and number one choice." He said turning to Sharon giving her those looks that suggests: "I was actually talking about you back there you know; you're my number one."
"Woah!" Exclaimed Mrs Johnson in amazement. " What a detailed piece of information! I was gonna ask 'why,' but you already took care of that. That's nice!"
Turning to her husband she said in a bid to engage him in their conversation, "I think he's gonna be an excellent scholar at the University, or what do you think?"
"Of course he's gonna!" Responded Mr Johnson. He's done nothing but perform excellently at all he does ever since we knew him as a kid." With his eyes glued to his wrist watch. He had a date with his wife that evening. They were to see a movie at the cinemas. Mrs Johnson had come up with the idea in a bid to spice up their love lives and it sounded good to Mr Johnson. She seem to have gotten carried away by Jason's presence and Mr Johnson was having a hard time trying to make her realize they were slowly running outta time.
Pretending not to notice, Mrs Johnson probed Jason further: "So tell me, when do you plan leaving?"
"Some time during the week ma, haven't decided on a date yet." He said.
It was at this point Sharon voiced out tearfully: "And why's everyone so cool about this? Why doesn't anyone care how all of this makes feel?" She said amid tears and ran to her room.
Sharon was the only child of her parents. She was highly pampered and spoilt, though not a brat. She and Jason had been classmates all through high school but twas only about a year ago, at their penultimate class, they began their relationship. She had always admired and loved Jason. She'd oftentimes spent time daydreaming of being wrapped in Jason's arms in some place private making out - the thrills this gives her! But that was asking for too much. Being the kinda person he is; the star in the crowd, the ladies man,
and mehn was he always in the company of girls
! She felt she had no chance with him. She became super shy of him she couldn't even make a sensible sentence around him without stuttering. She dare not look into his eyes, once attempted, she nearly fainted. From them on, she decided to keep her distance from him even though it hurt her so. "It's for my good." She'd often say to herself.
The magic happened when at final year they were both paired to work on a project together. After series of failed attempts to switch partners she finally summoned courage to address him.
"Look here," she began rather rudely, I really do like you in a weird kinda way. I want you so badly, but for some reasons best known to nature, I'm super shy of you. The whole school knows about my obsession with you, you probably do too, I don't care. I've tried all I can to switch partners so I don't get to do this with you, but..." She could feel her mood swing from rage to sobriety in a jiffy and tears slowly gathering in her eyes. She quickly paused, got herself together and continued. "See, I want this to work, I really do but I can't do it all alone, I need you to help me. But if you refuse and wouldn't wanna help, fine! I'll look for a way to get it done myself!"
At this point Jason held her and kissed her softly on the lips. "I love you too babes. Honestly, I never knew you felt this way about me. And don't be scared of me please. You can come to me, talk to me, do whatever with me, I'm at your beck n' call." He said holding her in his arms.
" What!?" Was she dreaming? Did she just hear him say the things she thinks he said? She pinched herself as if in a bid to wake someone up from sleep. He noticed and smiled.
"Did you really mean what you've just said? Do you really love me? What about other girls in your life? I hope you're not toying with my emotions?" She asked so tenderly.
" Shhh... All these worries would do you no good, they'd only deprive you of the love and happiness we could share with each other. Why don't we just savor this moment and forget about our fears, we gon' be alright." He assured her. With this being said, she looked fully into his eyes and tears rolled down her eyes.
"I love you so much." She said.
"I love you so much more." He responded. They kissed passionately and she rested her head on his chest.
At the Johnson's, Jason quickly ran after Sharon. He knocked on the door and without invitation, got inside.
"What's the matter babe, I thought we already talked about this?
"Yeah, I know we did. It's just.. I'm gon' miss you so much." She said tenderly.
"Yeah, I'm gon' miss you too buh we just gotta move on. Besides, didn't you say you had sth for me? Was this what you had in mind? Jason was starting to feel disappointed.
"Nah, not at all, she said. Just a minute." She went to the wardrobe and brought out a gift bag containing a gold wristwatch and a grey colored sweater and handed them over to him. As if she knew what he expecting most, she gave him herself one last time and there was no telling where their passion drove them to.
"The party was great, no doubt, but Sharon was phenomenal!" He concluded.