How a ordinary boy became contract killer,how he avenge for his mother's death.And how he tangled with a mysterious woman.And his locket that given by his mother help him became brutal.I am not original writer, i am just translate it and release.
The offer to kill himself came to him!!!
a well-known professional killer in the city has come up with the picture of himself.
to kill the man in the picture the man offer 15k pounds.
the man left 5k on the advanced table.
he also said that,when the work will done,he will give the remaining 10k pounds.
So far he has committed more than 50 murders with great skills.
but the "reverse doctor"was swearing a lot with his own picture in his hand.
he is the most famous hired killer in this city.however, there are many professional killers in different parts of the city.who brutally murdered people for minimum 1k pounds.
if he rejects the offer himself and pays the other killers to kill him,his head will not miss the man who blow his head off like a cabbage with a sniper.
although he continues to kill professionally in this dark world wearing a mask while hiding his real identify,behind the mask he is a very polite and delusional
type of person.
who will spent so much money to kill him???
he can't think.
he has no relatives in this city at fact,he entered the city at a young age with empty hands.
Umar khan was born in.....but he started living in......for employment.there he met a lusai tribal girl named Ting Maang.The girl didn't like her tribe for some reason.
Ting Maang was a very-low ranking employee of Umar Khan's office.
She had to clean the office and go home after everyone's off.In the lonely life of there,for some unknown reason,Umar khan started to liking Ting Maang.
Ting Maang knew how to speak English. as a high-ranking employee,It was easy to talk to ting maang.
one day in words he asked ting maang,
"why do u hate ur lusai tribe so much???"
ting maang told him;
she dislike her tribe so much and for that she took this job to come out of the tribe completely.
Ting maang told him more,to gain immortality they worshiped satan.and in reality this immortality can be gained.their village head is 175 years old.
He has gained this immortality by worshiping satan.
Bt the rules of worship are very terrible
after 3years,the the time of worship that time the first child of the most beautiful young girl of that tribe had to be sacrificed for worship.then the idol of satan was bathed in the is very cruel.thats why she doesn't like her tribe.
umar:it is a the police took no action for that???
ting maang:the culture and way of life of lusai tribe is far beyond what average people one cares about us that much.we live in the depths of inaccessible mountains,which are hidden from public eyes.
umar was very sorry to hear about that.although ting maang had a tribal look on her face but she was extremely beautiful.ting maang is probably the most beautiful girl in her village.that is why she has assumed that if she have a child,he will be sacrificed in the worship of davil.that is why she has set herself apart from everyone else.umar slowly fell in love with ting mang.the beautiful ting maang also wanted to marry a common man and build a happy family.
slowly their thoughts expressed to each other.
they got married in less than 6months.a tidy life begins.
after 2years of married,umar and ting maang have a son.the boy was named fahad.
although his complexion is as umar's and his eyes are like ting maang's.they are both busy with the boy.after the marriage,ting maang quite her office job.she manages the housework.umar would have gone away with whatever salary he got in a very good way.
ting maang, meanwhile,did not even notice that her tribe were secretly watching her.
everyone is desperate for immortality.ting mang was the most beautiful girl in their village.even the head of the village said they never seen such a beautiful girl like ting mang.ting maang mother was also quite beautiful.for that, ting maang's older brother's was sacrificed to worship the devil.
one afternoon,
after feeding fahad and putting him to sleep.ting maang also closed her eyes for a that time umar was working in the office.ting mang did not notice when she fell asleep.when she woke up,she saw that fahad was not by his side.she immediately sent word to umar.several people including umar,searched for fahad but could not find him.
Writer :Hasibul Islam Fahad