A relationship between a human with magic and a human who's a werewolf who came together to plant the seed of a forbidden power. Hunted and killed, this werewolf is born with special powers that no one has ever seen and denies these breeds to even exist. What would he do when he is first introduced into a pack and years later gets thrown out due to their fear of being killed? The Wizard And The Wolf. (All rights reserved)
"Lance..." Says a woman who holds her stomach as it bulges out with a round exterior, see cries in joy as she looks at her husband, Lance. He has beautiful blonde hair that touches his exposed pale shoulders while being long, his beautiful blue eyes shine like jewels in the dimmest of light and shine like Starfire as the woman touches his chiseled chest, feeling its texture and so much more...
"Zina..." Says the man as he looks at his wife as she has very long black hair and yellow eyes... Her pale skin complementing her yellow gemstones that are her eyes as markings of elegant lines are around her eyes, resembling her Pack's Marking.
"He's so filled with life... Oh my goodness..." Zina smiles with tears as her stomach moves little by little, the baby alive and well as Lance places his soft yet roughed up hand on Zina's stomach... Smiling as his hand glows with a yellow light,
"He has Magic alright my dear... I don't think he'll be a Werewolf like you wanted..." Lance says as Zina has a pair of long ears sticking up from her hair, a long beautiful tail resting on the chair.
"We'll just have to wait and see, dear..." Zina says as the place they're at is small yet clean, decorated with simple pictures and carpets along with a nice table and kitchen. A log cabin of sorts they're living within as Lance gets up from his chair as his abs bulge as Zina's hand slides off of them,
"Already? But we have all night..." Zina says in a desperate voice but Lance smirks, stepping forward and lifting Zina's cheek within his palm.
"I won't be able to stay much longer... I must leave to protect you and our son..." Lance says in a calm yet youthful voice that it sounded like an angel as Zina frowns, looking down at herself.
"But... He'll need a father like you... If you say he'll be a Wizard like you why not take him?" Zina says as Lance frowns, knowing full well his son isn't a Wizard...
"You'll find out someday, dear... I'll stop by some other time... But for now... I bid you farewell..." Lance says, leaving the house with a flick of a finger... Zina stares at her stomach, almost crying but smiles through the pain...
"Oh, little one... If only I was a human..." Zina says as she soon gets up, walking to her room...